Initial Evaluation
We use a variety of standardized assessments to evaluate your child's current functional status. We look at gross motor, fine motor, visual motor, visual perceptoion, handwriting, sensory processing, as well as clinical observation and parent feedback. Using a holistic approach for evaluation gives a clear picture of your child's areas of strength and weakness. *If a child has a current (within the past year) occupational therapy evaluation from another location, we can discuss if an updated evaluation is necessary.
Initial evaluation includes
What to expect
Initial evaluation includes
- standardized testing
- a written report including results, interpretation, clinical observations, and recommendations
- a medical consultation to discuss the evaluation
What to expect
- the standardized testing takes 1.5 hours to 2 hours
- the child should wear comfortable clothes and running shoes
- you can bring a snack and water- kids are usually hungry after the evaluation
- What should you tell your child? We try to make the evaluation very comfortable and play oriented, they usually have a good time. Lots of parents say it's a "play place" or "exercise place." If your child has difficulty with you leaving, you can stay during the evaluation. However, most parents are able to leave.
Treatment Session
- All children have an individual treatment plan. Treatment activities are planned around individual goals.
- Kids are seen individually 1:1 with a therapist- sessions last 60 minutes with the majority being direct treatment. The last part of the session is spent talking with the parents discussing what we did, problem solving things at home/ school, or giving activites to facilitate continued growth at home.
- Other children coming and going affords opportunity to practice social interactions with peers.
- We also offer group treatment sessions.
- Clients are supplied with a bill suitable for insurance purposes.
- Bills can be paid by check or credit card.